Black Screen on Launch in Scene-Based iOS App in Xcode 14.3

Everything was OK in Xcode 14.2, but when I tried to launch one of my projects from Xcode 14.3 (still the RC, but nevertheless), I got black screen. Some logs told me that AppDelegate was initialized, but no methods related to SceneDelegate were called. Spent couple of hours to figure it out.

Long story short, there is a setting in Build Settings, that generates Info.plist for your app (GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE) and another one, that generates Scene Manifest (INFOPLIST_KEY_UIApplicationSceneManifest_Generation). FIrst one I knew and it was already disabled. Second one was a surprise. Turned it off (it did generate empty Scene Manifest and could not load any Scenes because of that) and everything worked again!
